\name{TOut-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{TOut} \alias{TOut-class} \title{Class "TOut"} \description{ A \code{\linkS4class{Consumer}}-class that is used internally to connect several \code{Consumer} streams to a \code{TConnector}-class. This class is only for use by functions internal to the \code{Streamer} package. The \code{TOut}-class is responsible for filing the \code{.records} field of the \code{TConnector} with adequate number of records. } \usage{TOut(..., yieldSize=1e6, verbose=FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{...}{ Additional arguments. Currently not used} \item{verbose}{\code{logical(1)} indicating whether class methods should report to the user.} \item{yieldSize}{The number of records the input parser is to yield.} } \section{Constructors}{ Use \code{TOut} to construct instances of this class. } \section{Fields}{ \describe{ \item{\code{start}:}{A \code{integer(1)} indicating the start position of the record to be read next.} \item{\code{.records}:}{A temporary buffer of the \code{TConnector} from which the next set of records are to be read.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{initalize(...)}:}{Initializes the fields of the \code{TOut} class.} \item{\code{yield()}:}{Retrieves records from the \code{TConnector}-class connected up-stream to it.} } } \author{Nishant Gopalakrishnan \url{ngopalak@fhcrc.org}} \seealso{\code{\link{TConnector}}} \examples{showClass("TOut")} \keyword{classes}