\name{Civilized_Spectral_Clustering} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{Civilized_Spectral_Clustering} \alias{ClusteringResult} \alias{ClusteringResult-class} \title{ Runs the spectral clustering algorithm on the sample points. } \description{ The representatives of communities are considered as the vertices of a graph. Assuming the edges have been weighted according to the equivalent conductance between them, this function runs the classic spectral clustering on the graph. } \usage{ Civilized_Spectral_Clustering(full, maximum.number.of.clusters, society, conductance,iterations=200, number.of.clusters=NA, eigenvalues.num =NA, talk=TRUE,stabilizer=1000) } \arguments{ \item{full}{ The matrix containing the coordinates of all data points. } \item{maximum.number.of.clusters}{ This parameter is used for fitting the regression line.} \item{number.of.clusters}{ The default value is NA which leads to computating the number of spectral clusters automatically, otherwise this number will determine the number of spectral clusters. } \item{society}{ The list of communities.} \item{conductance}{ A matrix in which each entry is the conductance between two communities.} \item{iterations}{ Number of iterations for the k-means algorithm used by the spectral procedure. 200 is an appropriate value.} \item{talk}{ A boolean flag with default value TRUE. Setting it to FALSE will keep running the procedure quite with no messages.} \item{eigenvalues.num}{ An integer with default value NA which prevents ploting the curve of eigenvalues. Otherwise, they will be ploted upto this number.} \item{stabilizer}{ The larger this integer is, the final results will be more stable because the underlying kmeans will restart many more times.} } \value{ \describe{ A \code{ClusteringResult} class object with the following slots, \item{labels.for_num.of.clusters}{ The k'th element of this list is a vector containing the labels as result of clustering to k parts.} \item{number.of.clusters }{ A list containing the desired cluster numbers.} \item{eigen.space}{ The eigen vectors and eigen values of the normalized adjacency matrix computed for spectral clustering.} } } \references{ Zare, H. and Shooshtari, P. and Gupta, A. and Brinkman R.B: Data Reduction for Spectral Clustering to Analyse High Throughput Flow Cytometry Data. BMC Bioinformatics, 2010, 11:403.} \author{ Parisa Shooshtari and Habil Zare} \seealso{ \code{\link{SamSPECTRAL}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(SamSPECTRAL) # Reading data file which has been transformed using log transform data(small_data) full <- small # Parameters: m <- 3000; ns <- 200; sl <- 3; cwt <-1; precision <- 6; mnc <-30 # Sample the data and build the communities society <- Building_Communities(full=full,m=m, space.length=sl, community.weakness.threshold=cwt) # Compute conductance between communities conductance <- Conductance_Calculation(full=full, normal.sigma=ns, space.length=sl, society=society, precision=precision) # Use spectral clustering to cluster the data # First example: clust_result <- Civilized_Spectral_Clustering(full=full, maximum.number.of.clusters=mnc, society=society, conductance=conductance) number.of.clusters <- clust_result@number.of.clusters labels.for_num.of.clusters <- clust_result@labels.for_num.of.clusters L <- labels.for_num.of.clusters[[number.of.clusters]] # plot(full, pch='.', col= L) # Second example: number.of.clusters <- c(35,20) # This is faster than runnig Civilized_Spectral_Clustering() twice because the eigen space is not needed to be computed again. clust_result.not.automatic <- Civilized_Spectral_Clustering(full=full, society=society, conductance=conductance, number.of.clusters =number.of.clusters) labels.for_num.of.clusters <- clust_result.not.automatic@labels.for_num.of.clusters L35 <- labels.for_num.of.clusters[[35]] L20 <- labels.for_num.of.clusters[[20]] # plot(full, pch='.', col= L35) } } \keyword{cluster} \keyword{graphs}