\name{getFASTQfile} \alias{getFASTQfile} \title{Download SRA fastq files from EBI ENA through ftp or fasp} \description{ This function downloads SRA fastq data files through ftp or fasp from EBI ENA site for a given list of SRA accessions. } \usage{ getFASTQfile( in_acc, destDir = getwd(), srcType = 'ftp', makeDirectory = FALSE, method = 'curl', ascpCMD = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{in_acc}{ character vector of SRA accessions that could be be in one or more SRA sata types: study, sample, experiment and/or run. } \item{destDir}{ destination directory to save downloaded fastq files } \item{srcType}{ type of transfer protocol, which should be "ftp" or "fasp". } \item{makeDirectory}{ logical, TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE and baseDir does not exists, storedir will be created to save downloaded files, otherwise downloaded fastq files will be saved to current directory. } \item{method}{ character vector of length 1, passed to the identically named argument of \code{\link{download.file}}. } \item{ascpCMD}{ ascp main commands, which should be constructed by a user according to the actual installation of Aspera Connect in the system, with proper options to be used. Example commands: "ascp -QT -l 300m -i /usr/local/aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty" (Linux) or "'/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/ascp' -QT -l 300m -i '/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty'" (Mac OS X). More about ascp please see the help ('ascp -h' in a shell). } } \details{ The function first gets ftp/fasp addresses of SRA fastq files using funcitn \code{\link{getFASTQinfo}} for a given list of input SRA accessions; then downloads the fastq files through ftp or fasp. } \author{ Jack Zhu } \section{Warning }{ Downloading SRA fastq files through ftp over long distance could take long time and should consider using using 'fasp'. } \seealso{ \code{\link{getFASTQinfo}}, \code{\link{getSRAfile}}, \code{\link{ascpR}} } \examples{ if(file.exists('SRAmetadb.sqlite')) { \dontrun{ library(SRAdb) sra_dbname <- 'SRAmetadb.sqlite' sra_con <- dbConnect( dbDriver("SQLite"), sra_dbname ) ## Download fastq files from EBI ENA through ftp getFASTQfile( in_acc = c("SRR000648","SRR000657"), destDir = getwd(), srcType = 'ftp', ascpCMD = NULL ) ## Download fastq files from EBI ENA through fasp ascpCMD <- 'ascp -QT -l 300m -i /usr/local/aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty' ## common ascpCMD for a system with Mac OS X: #ascpCMD <- "'/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/ascp' -QT -l 300m -i '/Applications/Aspera Connect.app/Contents/Resources/asperaweb_id_dsa.putty'" getFASTQfile( in_acc = c("SRR000648","SRR000657"), srcType='fasp', ascpCMD=ascpCMD ) dbDisconnect( sra_con ) } } else { print("use getSRAdbFile() to get a copy of the SRAmetadb.sqlite file and then rerun the example") } }