\name{arrangeSideBySide} \alias{arrangeSideBySide} \title{ Helper function to arrange two trellis objects side by side on a grid. } \description{ For visualizing copy number alterations, it is often helpful to plot estimates of copy number along with the corresponding estimate of the B allele frequencies. Creating a trellis object for the copy number estimates and a separate trellis object for the B allele frequencies, this function can be used to arrange the two trellis objects side by side on a grid. } \usage{ arrangeSideBySide(object1, object2) } \arguments{ \item{object1}{ A trellis object (e.g., a trellis object of the copy number estimates). } \item{object2}{ A trellis object (e.g., a trellis object of the B allele frequencies). } } \author{ Rob Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{xypanel}}, \code{\link{xyplot}} } \keyword{hplot}