\name{writeWig} \alias{writeWig} \alias{writeWig,AffymetrixCelSet-method} \alias{writeWig,GRangesList-method} \title{Writes sequencing data out into wiggle files} \description{Writes sequencing data out into wiggle files} \usage{ \S4method{writeWig}{AffymetrixCelSet}(rs, design=NULL, log2.adj=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) \S4method{writeWig}{GRangesList}(rs, seq.len = NULL, design=NULL, sample=20, drop.zero=TRUE, normalize=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{rs}{The sequencing or array data.} \item{design}{design matrix specifying the contrast to compute (i.e. the samples to use and what differences to take)} \item{log2.adj}{whether to take log2 of array intensities.} \item{verbose}{Whether to write progress to screen} \item{seq.len}{If sequencing reads need to be extended, the fragment size to be used} \item{sample}{At what basepair resolution to sample the genome at} \item{drop.zero}{Whether to write zero values to the wiggle file - TRUE saves diskspace} \item{normalize}{Whether to normalize each lane to its total number of reads, TRUE is suggested} } \details{ A wiggle file is created for each column in the design matrix (if design is left as NULL, then a file is created for each array/lane of sequencing). The filenames are given by the column names of the design matrix, and if ending in "gz" will be written out as a gzfile. } \value{Wiggle file(s) are created} \author{ Aaron Statham } \examples{ #See examples in the manual }