\name{processNDF} \alias{processNDF} \title{Reads in a Nimblegen microarray design file (NDF)} \description{ Reads a Nimblegen microarray design file (NDF file) which describes positions and sequences of probes on a Nimblegen microarray. } \usage{ processNDF(filename = NULL, ncols = 768) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{the name of the Nimblegen microarray design file} \item{ncols}{the number of columns of probes on the array - must be the same value as will be passed to \code{loadPairFile} or \code{loadSampleDirectory}. The default works for 385K format arrays.} } \details{ Reads in a Nimblegen microarray design file. This enables the reading in and annotation of Nimblegen microarray data files (pair files). } \value{ a data frame containing \item{chr}{the chromosome the probe was designed against} \item{position}{the position of the sequence the probe was designed against (probe centre)} \item{strand}{the strand the probe was designed against} \item{index}{the index (x y position) the probe occupies on the array} \item{sequence}{the actual DNA sequence synthesised onto the array} \item{GC}{the percent GC content of the probe sequence} } \author{Aaron Statham} \seealso{\code{\link{loadSampleDirectory}}, \code{\link{loadPairFile}}} \examples{ # Not run # ## Read in the NDF file # ndfAll <- processNDF("080310_HG18_chr7RSFS_AS_ChIP.ndf") # ## Subset the NDF to only probes against chromosomes # ndf <- ndfAll[grep("^chr", ndfAll$chr),] }