\name{getProbePositionsDf} \alias{getProbePositionsDf} \alias{getProbePositionsDf,AffymetrixCdfFile-method} \title{Translate Affymetrix probe information in a table.} \description{ Translates the probe information in the AromaCellPositionFile to a data.frame object. } \usage{ \S4method{getProbePositionsDf}{AffymetrixCdfFile}(cdf, chrs, ..., verbose = TRUE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{cdf}{An AffymetrixCdfFile object.} \item{chrs}{A vector of chromosome names. Optional.} \item{\dots}{Further arguments to send to \code{getCellIndices}.} \item{verbose}{Logical; whether or not to print out progress statements to the screen.} } \details{ This assumes that the AromaCellPositionFile exist. } \value{ A data.frame with 3 columns: chr, position, index } \author{Mark Robinson} \examples{ ## not run # probePositions <- getProbePositionsDf(cdfU) }