\name{enrichmentCalc} \alias{enrichmentCalc} \alias{enrichmentCalc,GRanges-method} \alias{enrichmentCalc,GRangesList-method} \title{Calculate sequencing enrichment} \description{Function to calculate enrichment over the whole genome of sequencing reads.} \usage{ \S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GRanges}(x, seq.len = NULL, verbose = TRUE) \S4method{enrichmentCalc}{GRangesList}(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A \code{GRangesList} or \code{GRanges} object. All chromosome lengths must be stored in the \code{Seqinfo} of this object.} \item{seq.len}{If sequencing reads need to be extended, the fragment size to be used.} \item{verbose}{Whether to print the progress of processing.} \item{...}{Argument \code{seq.len} above, not directly used in the \code{GRangesList} method.} } \details{ If \code{seq.len} is supplied, \code{x} is firstly extended, and then turned into a coverage object. The number of extended reads covering each base pair of the genome is then tabulated, and returned as a \code{data.frame}. } \value{ For the \code{GRanges} method, \code{data.frame} containing columns \code{coverage} and \code{bases}. For the \code{GRangesList} method, a list of such \code{data.frame}s. } \author{Aaron Statham} \examples{ require(GenomicRanges) data(samplesList) # Loads 'samples.list.subset'. seqlengths(samples.list.subset) tc <- enrichmentCalc(samples.list.subset, seq.len = 300) }