\name{AdjustedCopyEstimate} \docType{class} \alias{AdjustedCopyEstimate} \alias{AdjustedCopyEstimate-class} \alias{AdjustedCopyEstimate,numeric,GRanges,numeric,numeric,matrix,list,matrix,character-method} \alias{show,AdjustedCopyEstimate-method} \title{Container for results of GC adjusted copy number estimation.} \description{ Contains the genomic coordinates of regions, the raw counts before GC adjustment, the GC content and mappability of each region, and the polynomial model fit, and the GC-adjusted copy number estimates. } \section{Constructor}{ \describe{ \item{}{ \code{AdjustedCopyEstimate(ploidy, windows, mappability, gc, unadj.CN, models, adj.CN)} Creates a AdjustedCopyEstimate object. \describe{ \item{\code{ploidy}}{Sets of chromosomes in each sample.} \item{\code{windows}}{A \code{\linkS4class{GRanges}} object.} \item{\code{mappability}}{A numeric vector of mappability. Elements between 0 and 1.} \item{\code{gc}}{A numeric vector of GC content Elements between 0 and 1.} \item{\code{unadj.CN}}{A matrix of estimated copy numbers after mappability adjustment, but before GC content adjustment, if slot \code{type} is \code{"absolute"}. Otherwise, fold changes.} \item{\code{models}}{The polynomial models that were fit to the counts.} \item{\code{adj.CN}}{A matrix of estimated copy numbers after mappability adjustment and GC content adjustment, if slot \code{type} is \code{"absolute"}. Otherwise, a matrix of fold changes, based on GC adjusted absolute copy estimates.} } } Note that \code{mappability} and \code{gc} become metadata columns of \code{windows} when the object is created. } } \section{Superclass}{ \describe{ This class inherits from \code{\linkS4class{CopyEstimate}}. } } \section{Additional Slots}{ \describe{ These are added to by \code{\link{absoluteCN}} or \code{\link{relativeCN}} \item{unadj.CN.seg}{A \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}} of copy number segmentations for each sample.} \item{adj.CN.seg}{A \code{\linkS4class{GRangesList}} of copy number segmentations for each sample, using GC adjusted data.} \item{type}{A flag that contains if the copy number data is absolute or relative.} } }