\name{read.qPCR} \alias{read.qPCR} \alias{read_qPCRBatch} \alias{checkValidqPCRFilename} \title{ Read user formatted qPCR data and produce a qPCRBatch } \description{ Reads RT-qPCR data in format specified in the ReadqPCR vignette and uses the data to populate an object of class \code{"qPCRBatch"}. } \usage{ read.qPCR(filename = character(0), phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame"), notes = "", verbose = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{file name (must be formatted as shown in vignette).} \item{phenoData}{an \code{\link[Biobase:class.AnnotatedDataFrame]{AnnotatedDataFrame}} object, a \code{character} of length one, or a \code{data.frame}.} \item{notes}{notes.} \item{verbose}{verbosity flag. If true more messages are given to the user on the processing steps} } \details{ Permits the user to read in qPCR Cq value data in a predefined format (more details on this format in the \code{ReadqPCR} package vignette), alongside phenotypic data and further notes about the data. If \code{phenoData} is a \code{data.frame}, it is converted to an \code{AnnotatedDataFrame}. If it is \code{NULL} then a default object of class \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} is created, whose \code{pData} is a \code{data.frame} with rownames being the names of the samples, and with one column \code{sample} with an integer index. More details on how technical replicates are handled in the \code{ReadqPCR} package vignette } \value{Object of class \code{"qPCRBatch"}.} %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{ James Perkins \email{jperkins@biochem.ucl.ac.uk} } %\note{ %} \seealso{ \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet-class}} } \examples{ path <- system.file("exData", package = "ReadqPCR") qPCR.example <- file.path(path, "qPCR.example.txt") qPCRBatch.qPCR <- read.qPCR(qPCR.example) } \keyword{classes}