\name{ReadPosErrorPlot} \alias{ReadPosErrorPlot} \title{Plot distribution of errors by read position.} \description{ Plots the number of sequencing errors by read position. } \usage{ ReadPosErrorPlot(ReadPosErrors, error_col = "blue", thresh = 1.5, thresh_col = "cyan", xlabel = "Read Position", ylabel = "# Errors", main_title = "Distribution of Errors by Read Position") } \arguments{ \item{ReadPosErrors}{vector of sequencing error counts by read position.} \item{error_col}{color of line plotting the errors counts. Default = "blue".} \item{thresh}{Threshold for identifying read positions with large numbers of errors, plotted as a horizontal dashed line. Threshold is set as ``thresh * (average number of errors per read position)''. Default = 1.5.} \item{thresh_col}{color of threshold line. Default = "cyan".} \item{xlabel}{x-axis label. Default = "Read Position".} \item{ylabel}{y-axis label. Default = "# Errors".} \item{main_title}{title. Default = "Distribution of Errors by Read Position".} } \details{ ReadPosErrorPlot plots the distribution of sequencing errors by read position. If the input vector is $ReadPosErrors from ReQON output, this function will create the top left diagnostic plot that is output from ReQON. For more details and interpretation, see the vignette by: browseVignettes("ReQON"). } \author{Christopher Cabanski \email{cabanski@email.unc.edu}} \examples{ ## Create data of error counts x <- c( 1:30 ) err <- x^2 + ( 30 - x )^1.6 + rnorm(30, 0, 100) ## plot errors by read position ReadPosErrorPlot( err ) }