\name{adjM2gml} \alias{adjM2gml} \title{ Create GML file from readAmigoDot output. } \description{ Takes a part of the output of the readAmigoDot function and creates a GML file by calling exportCytoGML(). } \usage{ adjM2gml(adjMatrix, edgecolor, vertexcolor, nodelabels, nodedescription, filename) } \arguments{ \item{adjMatrix}{ adjacency matrix, parents in rows, children in cols. } \item{edgecolor}{ character vector of the length of existing edges. } \item{vertexcolor}{ character vector of the length of existing nodes. } \item{nodelabels}{ character vector of the length of existing nodes. } \item{nodedescription}{ character vector of the length of existing nodes. } \item{filename}{ output filenames. } } \author{ Markus Schroeder Benjamin Haibe-Kains } \examples{ ## set GO ID's and color goIDs <- c("GO:0051130","GO:0019912","GO:0005783") color <- c("lightblue","red","yellow") dd <- getAmigoTree(goIDs=goIDs,color=color, filename="example",picType="dot",saveResult=FALSE) tt <- readAmigoDot(object=dd) adjM2gml(adjMatrix(tt),relations(tt)$color, annot(tt)$fillcolor,annot(tt)$GO_ID, annot(tt)$description,"example") } \keyword{ igraph } \keyword{ graph } \keyword{ network } \keyword{ Cytoscape }