\name{AmigoDot} \alias{AmigoDot} \alias{agraph} \alias{agraph<-} \alias{adjMatrix} \alias{adjMatrix<-} \alias{annot} \alias{annot<-} \alias{relations} \alias{relations<-} \alias{leaves} \alias{leaves<-} % Accessors: \alias{agraph,AmigoDot-method} \alias{agraph<-,AmigoDot-method} \alias{adjMatrix,AmigoDot-method} \alias{adjMatrix<-,AmigoDot-method} \alias{annot,AmigoDot-method} \alias{annot<-,AmigoDot-method} \alias{relations,AmigoDot-method} \alias{relations<-,AmigoDot-method} \alias{leaves,AmigoDot-method} \alias{leaves<-,AmigoDot-method} \title{AmigoDot constructor and accessors} \description{ Functions for creating and manipulating AmigoDot-class objects. } \usage{ agraph(object) agraph(object) <- value adjMatrix(object) adjMatrix(object) <- value annot(object) annot(object) <- value relations(object) relations(object) <- value leaves(object) leaves(object) <- value } \arguments{ \item{object}{An AmigoDot S4 object} \item{value}{An AmigoDot S4 object} } \details{ \code{agraph(object)}{Gets the igraph object.} \code{agraph(object) <- value}{Sets the igraph object.} \code{adjMatrix(object)}{Gets the adjacency matrix.} \code{adjMatrix(object) <- value}{Sets the adjacency matrix.} \code{annot(object)}{Gets the data.frame containing the annotation of the tree with the columns node, GO_ID, description, color, fillcolor and fontcolor.} \code{annot(object) <- value}{Sets the the data.frame containing the annotation of the tree with the columns node, GO_ID, description, color, fillcolor and fontcolor.} \code{relations(object)}{Gets the data.frame containing the relations between the node of the tree and also information about the edges. The columns are parent, child, arrowhead, arrowtail, color and style.} \code{relations(object) <- value}{Sets the the data.frame containing the relations between the node of the tree and also information about the edges. The columns are parent, child, arrowhead, arrowtail, color and style.} \code{leaves(object)}{Gets the data.frame containing the leaves of the tree with the columns node, GO_ID, description, color, fillcolor and fontcolor.} \code{leaves(object) <- value}{Sets the the data.frame containing the leaves of the tree with the columns node, GO_ID, description, color, fillcolor and fontcolor.} } \value{ \item{AmigoDot}{Object of class \code{\linkS4class{AmigoDot}}.} \item{agraph}{igraph object.} \item{adjMatrix}{Adjacency Matrix.} \item{annot, leaves}{Annotation for each node.} \item{relations}{Meta information about the edges between nodes.} } \author{Markus Schroeder \url{mschroed@jimmy.harvard.edu}} \seealso{\code{\linkS4class{AmigoDot}-class} \code{\link[igraph:igraph]{igraph}}} \examples{ ## set GO ID's and color goIDs <- c("GO:0051130","GO:0019912","GO:0005783") color <- c("lightblue","red","yellow") dd <- getAmigoTree(goIDs=goIDs,color=color, filename="example",picType="dot",saveResult=FALSE) tt <- readAmigoDot(object=dd) agraph(tt) adjMatrix(tt) annot(tt) relations(tt) leaves(tt) } \keyword{classes}