\name{rpa.online} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{rpa.online} \title{RPA-online for preprocessing very large expression data sets.} \description{rpa.online is used to preprocess very large expression data collections based on a Bayesian hyperparameter update procedure. Returns an expressionSet object preprocessed with RPA.} \usage{rpa.online(cel.path = NULL, cel.files = NULL, sets = NULL, cdf = NULL, bg.method = "rma", priors = list(alpha = 2, beta = 1), epsilon = 1e-2, mc.cores = 1, verbose = TRUE, shuffle = TRUE, batch.size = 10, batches = NULL, quantile.basis = NULL, save.batches = FALSE)} \arguments{ \item{cel.path}{Path to CEL file directory} \item{cel.files}{List of CEL files to preprocess} \item{sets }{Probesets for which RPA will be computed} \item{cdf }{Specify an alternative CDF environment} \item{bg.method }{Specify background correction method. See bgcorrect.methods() for options.} \item{priors }{An 'rpa.priors' object. Can be used to set user-specified priors for the model parameters. Not used sigma2.method = "var". The prior parameters alpha and beta are prior parameters for inverse Gamma distribution of probe-specific variances. Noninformative prior is obtained with alpha, beta -> 0. Not used with sigma2.method 'var'. Scalar alpha and beta specify an identical inverse Gamma prior for all probes, which regularizes the solution. Can be also specified as lists, each element corresponding to one probeset.} \item{epsilon }{Convergence tolerance. The iteration is deemed converged when the change in all parameters is < epsilon.} \item{mc.cores}{Number of cores for parallel computation} \item{verbose}{Print progress information during computation} \item{shuffle}{Form random batches} \item{batch.size}{Batch size for online mode (rpa.online); the complete list of CEL files will be preprocessed in batches with this size using Bayesian online-updates for probe-specific parameters.} \item{batches}{User-defined CEL file batches} \item{quantile.basis}{Pre-calculated basis for quantile normalization} \item{save.batches}{Save batches to speed up preprocessing.} } \details{RPA preprocessing function. Gives an estimate of the probeset-level mean parameter d of the RPA model, and returns these in an expressionSet object. The CEL files are handled in batches to obtain Bayesian updates for probe-specific hyperpriors; after sweeping through the database in batches the results are combined. The online mode is useful for preprocessing very large expression data sets where ordinary preprocessing algorithms fail, without compromises in modelling stage.} \value{An instance of the 'expressionSet' class.} \references{See citation("RPA").} \author{Leo Lahti \email{leo.lahti@iki.fi}} \note{Development version} \seealso{rpa, AffyBatch, ExpressionSet} \examples{ # Not run: # eset <- rpa.online(cel.file.path) } \keyword{ methods }