\name{weight_estimator_BLH} \alias{weight_estimator_BLH} \title{ Returns the value of the objective function used for optimizing for the regression parameters and baseline hazards in the model. } \description{ Given the arguments, it can evaluate the value of the objective function used by the optimization algorithms for determining the optimal regression parameters and baseline hazard values. } \usage{ weight_estimator_BLH(survDataT, geDataT, weights_baselineH, q, s, a, b, groups) } \arguments{ \item{survDataT}{ The survival data of the patient set passed on by the user. It takes on the form of a data frame with at least have the following columns \dQuote{True_STs} and \dQuote{censored}, corresponding to the observed survival times and the censoring status of the subjects consecutively. Censored patients are assigned a \dQuote{1} while patients who experience an event are assigned \dQuote{1}. } \item{geDataT}{ The co-variate data (gene expression or aCGH, etc...) of the patient set passed on by the user. It is a matrix with the co-variates in the columns and the subjects in the rows. Each cell corresponds to that row\emph{th} subject's column\emph{th} co-variate's value. } \item{weights_baselineH}{ A single vector with the initial values of the baseline hazards followed by the weights(regression coefficients) for the co-variates. } \item{q}{ One of the two parameters on the prior distribution used on the weights (regression coefficients) in the model. } \item{s}{ The second of the two parameters on the prior distribution used on the weights (regression coefficients) in the model. } \item{a}{ The shape parameter for the gamma distribution used as a prior on the baseline hazards. } \item{b}{ The scale parameter for the gamma distribution used as a prior on the baseline hazards. } \item{groups}{ The number of partitions along the time axis for which a different baseline hazard is to be assigned. This number should be the same as the number of initial values passed for the baseline hazards in the beginning of the \dQuote{weights_baselineH} argument. } } \value{ A single numerical value corresponding to the value of the objective function with the given regression coefficients and baseline hazard values. } \references{ The basic model is based on the Cox regression model as first introduced by Sir David Cox in: Cox,D.(1972).Regression models & life tables. \emph{Journal of the Royal Society of Statistics}, 34(2), 187-220. The extension of the Cox model to its stepwise form was adapted from: Ibrahim, J.G, Chen, M.-H. & Sinha, D. (2005). \emph{Bayesian Survival Analysis (second ed.)}. NY: Springer. as well as Kaderali, Lars.(2006) A Hierarchial Bayesian Approach to Regression and its Application to Predicting Survival Times in Cancer Patients. Aachen: Shaker The prior on the regression coefficients was adopted from: Mazur, J., Ritter,D.,Reinelt, G. & Kaderali, L. (2009). Reconstructing Non-Linear dynamic Models of Gene Regulation using Stochastic Sampling. \emph{BMC Bioinformatics}, 10(448). } \author{ Douaa Mugahid } \note{ This function is in itself not useful to the user, but is used within the function \code{weights.BLH} } \seealso{ \code{\link{weight_estimator_BLH_noprior}}, \code{\link{deriv_weight_estimator_BLH_noprior}} } \examples{ \donttest{ data(Bergamaschi) data(survData) weight_estimator_BLH(survDataT=survData[1:10, 9:10], geDataT=Bergamaschi[1:10 , 1:2],weights_baselineH=c(0.1,0.2,0.3,rep(0,ncol(Bergamaschi))), q=1, s=1, a=1.5, b=0.3, groups=3) } } \keyword{ Cox regression model} \keyword{ piecewise baseline hazard cox regression model}