\name{survData} \alias{survData} \docType{data} \title{ Survial data of 82 patients } \description{ A dataframe ''survData:" A dataframe containing the survival information of the 82 patients the relevant columns of which are "True_STs", "censored" indicating the recorded survival times of the patients, and their censorship status simultaneously. In the "censored" column "0" indicates a non-censored patient, and "1" indicates a censored patient\\ } \usage{data(survData)} \format{ A data frame with 82 observations on the following 10 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{Array.ID}}{The array IDs of the patients} \item{\code{Sample.ID.Bauke.}}{The array IDs of the patients as annotated in one source} \item{\code{Experiment.Jon.}}{The array IDs of the patients as annotated in a third source (in essence the same as the previous two)} \item{\code{ExptID}}{The Experiment ID} \item{\code{Order}}{The number/order of the patient} \item{\code{Overall.survival..mons.undivided}}{the overall survival time of the patients in months} \item{\code{Relapse.free.survival..mons.}}{the relapse free survival time of the patients in months} \item{\code{Status.0.A..1.AWD..2.DOD..3.DOC}}{the status of the tumour (as abbreviated in the publication)} \item{\code{censored}}{the status of censorship with ''0" corresponding to a ''non-censored" patient and ''1" to a ''censored patient" } \item{\code{True_STs}}{The survival/censorship times of the patient in years} } } \details{ A subset of the data set used in Bergamaschi, A., & al., e. (2006). Distinct Patterns of DNA Copy NumberAlteration are associated with different clinicopathological features and gene expression subtypes of breast cancer. Genes, Chromosomes and cancer , 45, 1033-1040. } \source{ Bergamaschi, A., & al., e. (2006). Distinct Patterns of DNA Copy NumberAlteration are associated with different clinicopathological features and gene expression subtypes of breast cancer. Genes, Chromosomes and cancer , 45, 1033-1040. } \references{ Bergamaschi, A., & al., e. (2006). Distinct Patterns of DNA Copy NumberAlteration are associated with different clinicopathological features and gene expression subtypes of breast cancer. Genes, Chromosomes and cancer , 45, 1033-1040. } \examples{ data(survData) colnames(survData) } \keyword{datasets}