\name{readSff} \alias{readSFF} \title{Function To Read In Roche's .sff Files} \description{ This function reads in files in Roche's Standard Flowgram Format (SFF) and store the contents in an \code{\link{SFFContainer-class}} object. } \usage{readSFF(files)} \arguments{ \item{files}{The name of the .sff file to read in or a character vector of multiple file names or the name of a directory containing .sff files.} } \value{ An object or a list of objects of class \code{SFFContainer} storing all the information from the .sff file(s). } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{SFFContainer}}. } \examples{ \dontrun{sffContainer = readSFF("test.sff")} } \author{Christian Ruckert}