\name{nucleotideCharts} \docType{methods} \alias{nucleotideCharts} \alias{nucleotideCharts,DNAStringSet-method} \alias{nucleotideCharts,ShortRead-method} \alias{nucleotideCharts,SFFContainer-method} \title{Nucleotide Charts} \description{ This function plots the relative frequency of the four bases for each position in the sequences. } \usage{ nucleotideCharts(object, range=0.95, linetypes=c(A="l", C="l", G="l", T="l", N="l"), linecols=c(A="black", C="red", G="blue", T="green", N="grey70"), xlab="Position", ylab="Frequency", ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{An object of class \link{DNAStringSet}, \link{ShortRead} or \link{SFFContainer}.} \item{range}{An integer vector of length one or two. If length one only bases up to the percent quantile of read lengths defined by the given value are shown. A vector of length two gives the start and end base between which the nucleotide frequencies are plotted.} \item{linetypes}{The line types used for the four nucleotids + N, see (see \sQuote{par})} \item{linecols}{The colors in which the four nucleotids + N should be plotted.} \item{xlab}{The X axis label.} \item{ylab}{The Y axis label.} \item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see \sQuote{par}).} } \author{ Christian Ruckert } \keyword{methods}