\name{flowgramBarplot} \docType{methods} \alias{flowgramBarplot} \alias{flowgramBarplot,SFFRead-method} \title{Create A Barplot Of The Flow Intensities} \description{ This function creates a barplot of the flow intensities with one bar for each nucleotide in the flow. With the height giving the measured intensity. } \usage{ flowgramBarplot(x, range=c(0, length(flowgram(x))), xlab="Flow sequence", ylab="Flow intensity", col=c(A="black", C="red", G="blue", T="green"), ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{\link{SFFRead}}.} \item{range}{Two positions between which the flows should be plotted.} \item{xlab}{The X axis label.} \item{ylab}{The Y axis label.} \item{col}{The colors in which the four nucleotids should be plotted.} \item{\dots}{Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters (see \sQuote{par}).} } \author{ Christian Ruckert } \keyword{methods}