\name{AnnotatedVariants-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{AnnotatedVariants-class} \alias{annotatedVariants} \alias{annotatedVariants,AnnotatedVariants-method} \alias{annotatedVariants<-,AnnotatedVariants,list-method} \alias{names,AnnotatedVariants-method} \alias{names<-,AnnotatedVariants,character-method} \title{Class "AnnotatedVariants"} \description{A class for storing annotation about variants. An object of this class is returned by the method \code{annotateVariants}. The class has not been designed to be created by users directly. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects can be created by calls of the form \code{new("AnnotatedVariants")}. The method \code{annotateVariants} returns AnnotatedVariants-objects. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{annotatedVariants}:}{Object of class \code{"list"} with one entry for each variant.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{annotatedVariants}{\code{signature(object = "AnnotatedVariants")}: Get the list with variants.} \item{annotatedVariants<-}{\code{signature(object = "AnnotatedVariants", value = "list")}: Set a new list with variants.} \item{names}{\code{signature(x = "AnnotatedVariants")}: Get the names of the with variants.} \item{names<-}{\code{signature(x = "AnnotatedVariants", value = "character")}: Set the names of the variants.} } } \details{The list encapsulated by this class has one element for each variant. Each element is a nested list with the elements \code{genes}, \code{transcripts}, \code{exons} and \code{snps}. All these elements are data frames listing genes, transcripts, exons or snps respectively that were affected by the variant. Use the example below to explore the data frames' contents.} \author{Hans-Ulrich Klein} \seealso{ \code{\link{annotateVariants}}, \code{\link{htmlReport}} } \examples{ variants = data.frame( start=c(106157528, 106154991,106156184), end=c(106157528, 106154994,106156185), chromosome=c("4", "4", "4"), strand=c("+", "+", "+"), seqRef=c("A", "ATAG", "---"), seqMut=c("G", "----", "ATA"), seqSur=c("TACAGAA", "TTTATAGATA", "AGC---TCC"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) rownames(variants) = c("snp", "del", "ins") \dontrun{av = annotateVariants(variants)} \dontrun{annotatedVariants(av)[["snp"]]} } \keyword{classes}