\name{summarize} \alias{summarize} \alias{summarize,BetaMixture,character_Or_missing-method} \alias{summarize,PAN,character_Or_missing-method} \title{ Summarize the object of S4 class 'BetaMixture' or 'PAN' } \description{ The function helps print a summary of an object of S4 class \code{BetaMixture} or \code{PAN}. } \usage{ summarize(object, what='ALL', ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ an object of S4 class \code{BetaMixture} or \code{PAN}. } \item{what}{ a character value specifying what to print (see details). } \item{...}{ not in use, only for further extension. } } \details{ This function print a summary of an object of \code{BetaMixture} or \code{PAN}. The function is also called by S4 method \code{show}, which prints only a short message about the input parameters and data. For an object of class \code{BetaMixture}: If \code{what='input'}, the function prints to screen a summary of input parameters; If \code{what='fitNULL'}, the function prints to screen a summary of fitting results for the NULL distribution. If \code{what='fitBM'}, the function prints to screen a summary of fitting results for the beta-mixture model. If \code{what='ALL'}, all above messages will be printed. For an object of class \code{PAN}: If \code{what='input'}, the function prints to screen a summary of input object(s) of class \code{BetaMixture}; If \code{what='graph'}, the function prints to screen a summary of inferred posterior association network; If \code{what='module'}, the function prints to screen a summary of functional gene modules; If \code{what='ALL'}, all above messages will be printed. } \author{ Xin Wang \email{xw264@cam.ac.uk} } \references{ Xin Wang, Roland F. Schwarz, Mauro Castro, Klaas W. Mulder and Florian Markowetz, Posterior association networks and enriched functional gene modules inferred from rich phenotypic perturbation screens, in preparation. } \examples{ data(bm) summarize(bm1, what='ALL') }