Fit the NULL component of a three-beta mixture model for functional gene
The function performs permutations to the input rich phenotyping screens,
and subsequently fit a beta distribution to the densities. 
fitNULL(object, nPerm=20, thetaNULL=c(alphaNULL=4, betaNULL=4),
sumMethod="median", permMethod="keepRep", verbose=TRUE, ...) 
an object of S4 class \code{BetaMixture}.
a positive numeric or integer value specifying the number of permutations.
a list of numeric values giving the initial values for estimating
the two shape parameters (see \code{\link[stats:dbeta]{dbeta}} for more details).
a character value specifying how to summarize estimated parameters from
multiple permutations. The current version only supports 'median' and
a character value of the method to permute, either 'keepRep' (keep the
order of replicates) or 'all' (regardless of replicates).
a logical value to switch on (if \code{TRUE}) or off {if \code{FALSE}} detailed
run-time message.
other arguments for function \code{\link[MASS:fitdistr]{fitdistr}}.
This function is a step prior to the three-beta mixture model fitting to
functional gene association scores. The fitted parameters are then used
as a fixed parameters in the three-beta mixture model for further fitting
to the real screens. The NULL fitting is performed using the function
\code{\link[MASS:fitdistr]{fitdistr}}, so other arguments for the function fitdistr are also allowed
by the argument \code{...}.
This function will return an updated object of class \code{BetaMixture}.
Xin Wang, Roland F. Schwarz, Mauro Castro, Klaas W. Mulder 
and Florian Markowetz, Posterior association networks and enriched 
functional gene modules inferred from rich phenotypic perturbation 
screens, in preparation.
Xin Wang \email{xw264@cam.ac.uk}

bm1<-new("BetaMixture", pheno=Bakal2007, model="global", order=1)
bm1<-fitNULL(bm1, nPerm=10, thetaNULL=c(alphaNULL=4, betaNULL=4),
sumMethod="median", permMethod="all", verbose=TRUE)