\name{fitNULL} \alias{fitNULL} \alias{fitNULL,BetaMixture,numeric_Or_integer_Or_missing,numeric_Or_integer_Or_missing,character_Or_missing,character_Or_missing,logical_Or_missing-method} \title{ Fit the NULL component of a three-beta mixture model for functional gene associations } \description{ The function performs permutations to the input rich phenotyping screens, and subsequently fit a beta distribution to the densities. } \usage{ fitNULL(object, nPerm=20, thetaNULL=c(alphaNULL=4, betaNULL=4), sumMethod="median", permMethod="keepRep", verbose=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ an object of S4 class \code{BetaMixture}. } \item{nPerm}{ a positive numeric or integer value specifying the number of permutations. } \item{thetaNULL}{ a list of numeric values giving the initial values for estimating the two shape parameters (see \code{\link[stats:dbeta]{dbeta}} for more details). } \item{sumMethod}{ a character value specifying how to summarize estimated parameters from multiple permutations. The current version only supports 'median' and 'mean'. } \item{permMethod}{ a character value of the method to permute, either 'keepRep' (keep the order of replicates) or 'all' (regardless of replicates). } \item{verbose}{ a logical value to switch on (if \code{TRUE}) or off {if \code{FALSE}} detailed run-time message. } \item{...}{ other arguments for function \code{\link[MASS:fitdistr]{fitdistr}}. } } \details{ This function is a step prior to the three-beta mixture model fitting to functional gene association scores. The fitted parameters are then used as a fixed parameters in the three-beta mixture model for further fitting to the real screens. The NULL fitting is performed using the function \code{\link[MASS:fitdistr]{fitdistr}}, so other arguments for the function fitdistr are also allowed by the argument \code{...}. } \value{ This function will return an updated object of class \code{BetaMixture}. } \references{ Xin Wang, Roland F. Schwarz, Mauro Castro, Klaas W. Mulder and Florian Markowetz, Posterior association networks and enriched functional gene modules inferred from rich phenotypic perturbation screens, in preparation. } \author{ Xin Wang \email{xw264@cam.ac.uk} } \seealso{ \code{\link[PAN:fitBM]{fitBM}} } \examples{ data(Bakal2007) bm1<-new("BetaMixture", pheno=Bakal2007, model="global", order=1) bm1<-fitNULL(bm1, nPerm=10, thetaNULL=c(alphaNULL=4, betaNULL=4), sumMethod="median", permMethod="all", verbose=TRUE) }