\name{exportPAN} \alias{exportPAN} \alias{exportPAN,PAN,character_Or_missing,character_Or_missing,numeric_Or_integer_Or_missing,character_Or_missing,logical_Or_missing-method} \title{ Export inferred PAN or module graphs to files } \description{ Powered by function \code{\link[igraph:write.graph]{write.graph}} in package \code{\link[igraph:igraph]{igraph}}, this function writes the inferred PAN or module graphs to files in a variety of formats that are supported by igraph. } \usage{ exportPAN(object, file="pan", what="graph", moduleID=1, format="gml", verbose=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ an object of S4 class \code{PAN}. } \item{file}{ the name of the file to write the graph or module (no need to put a filename extension). } \item{what}{ a character value specifying what to write: `graph' or `pvclustModule'. } \item{moduleID}{ a numeric or integer vector of modules to write (see details in \code{\link[PAN:sigModules]{sigModules}}). } \item{format}{ a character value specifying the format to write (see more details in \code{\link[igraph:write.graph]{write.graph}}). } \item{verbose}{ a logical value to switch on (if \code{TRUE}) or off {if \code{FALSE}} detailed run-time message. } \item{...}{ not in use, but only for further extension. } } \value{ a numeric vector of ids for significant gene modules } \author{ Xin Wang \email{xw264@cam.ac.uk} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(bm, package="PAN") pan<-new("PAN", bm1=bm1) pan<-infer(pan, para=list(type="SNR", log=TRUE, sign=TRUE, cutoff=log(5)), filter=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) data(Bakal2007Cluster, package="PAN") pan<-buildPAN(pan, engine="igraph", para=list(nodeColor=nodeColor, hideNeg=TRUE), verbose=TRUE) exportPAN(pan, file="pan", what="graph", format="ncol") } }