\name{BetaMixture-class} \alias{BetaMixture} \alias{BetaMixture-class} \docType{class} \title{ An S4 class for beta mixture modelling of functional gene associations } \description{ This S4 class includes methods to do beta-mixture modelling of functional gene associations given rich phenotyping screens. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects of class \code{BetaMixture} can be created from \code{new("BetaMixture", metric, order, association, model, pheno, partition)} (see the example below for details). } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{pheno}:}{ a numeric matrix of rich phenotypes with rows and columns specifying genes and samples, respectively. } \item{\code{metric}:}{ a character value specifying the metric to compute similarity scores. Currently, 'cosine' and 'correlation' are supported (see \code{\link[PAN:assoScore]{assoScore}} for more details). } \item{\code{order}:}{ a numeric value specifying the order of the similarity score to be computed. Only 1 and 2 is supported for the current version. The first order (when \code{order=1}) similarities are used for quatification of the strength of functional associations between genes, whilst the second order (when \code{code=2}) ones are employed to compute the strength of modularity between genes. } \item{\code{association}:}{ a numeric vector providing all association scores between genes. This can be useful when \code{pheno} is not available or the user has a different way to compute functional associations. } \item{\code{model}:}{ a character value specifying whether the original (if \code{global}) or extended (if \code{stratified}) model is used. } \item{\code{partition}:}{ a numeric of gene partition labels (e.g. c(rep(1, 100), rep(2, 20), rep(3, 80)) is a valid vector of partition labels for a vector of associations falling into three categories of interaction types 1, 2 and 3). } \item{\code{result}:}{ a list storing results from S4 methods of this class. } \item{\code{summary}:}{ a list of summary information for available results. } } } \section{Methods}{ An overview of methods (More detailed introduction can be found in help for each specific function.): \describe{ \item{\code{permNULL}}{ do permutations for input rich phenotyping screens (\code{'pheno'}). } \item{\code{fitNULL}}{ fit the permuted association scores to a beta distribution. } \item{\code{fitBM}}{ fit the functional association scores computed from input screens to a three-beta mixture model. } \item{\code{view}}{ view the fitting results (a histogram of the original data and fitted probability density curves) for NULL and real data. } \item{\code{summarize}}{ summarize results including input data and parameters, NULL fitting and beta mixture fitting. } } } \author{Xin Wang \email{xw264@cam.ac.uk}} \references{ Xin Wang, Roland F. Schwarz, Mauro Castro, Klaas W. Mulder and Florian Markowetz, Posterior association networks and enriched functional gene modules inferred from rich phenotypic perturbation screens, in preparation. } \seealso{ \code{\link[PAN:permNULL]{permNULL}} \code{\link[PAN:fitNULL]{fitNULL}} \code{\link[PAN:fitBM]{fitBM}} \code{\link[PAN:view]{view}} \code{\link[PAN:summarize]{summarize}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(Bakal2007) bm1<-new("BetaMixture", pheno=Bakal2007, metric="cosine", model="global", order=1) bm1<-fitNULL(bm1, nPerm=10, thetaNULL=c(alphaNULL=4, betaNULL=4), sumMethod="median", permMethod="all", verbose=TRUE) bm1<-fitBM(bm1, para=list(zInit=NULL, thetaInit=c(alphaNeg=2, betaNeg=4, alphaNULL=bm1@result$fitNULL$thetaNULL[["alphaNULL"]], betaNULL=bm1@result$fitNULL$thetaNULL[["betaNULL"]], alphaPos=4, betaPos=2), gamma=NULL), ctrl=list(fitNULL=FALSE, tol=1e-1), verbose=TRUE, gradtol=1e-3) view(bm1, "fitNULL") view(bm1, "fitBM") bm1 } } \keyword{classes}