\name{TrioSetList} \alias{TrioSetList} \title{Constructs and object of class \code{TrioSetList}} \description{Constructs and object of class \code{TrioSetList}} \usage{ TrioSetList(chromosome=integer(), pedigreeData=Pedigree(), sample.sheet, row.names=NULL, lrr, baf, featureData, cdfname) } \arguments{ \item{chromosome}{Vector of integers indicating which chromosomes are stored in the \code{TrioSetList} object.} \item{pedigreeData}{A object of class \code{Pedigree}.} \item{sample.sheet}{A \code{data.frame} of sample-level covariates.} \item{row.names}{If \code{sample.sheet} is non-missing, \code{row.names} must the specified. The \code{row.names} must match the sample identifiers stored in the argument to \code{pedigreeData}. If \code{sample.sheet} is missing, \code{row.names} is ignored.} \item{lrr}{ Matrix of log R Ratios } \item{baf}{ matrix of B allele frequencies} \item{featureData}{Object of class \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} containing feature annotation. If missing, the argument \code{cdfname} must be specified.} \item{cdfname}{A character string providing the name of the annotation package.} } \value{ An object of class \code{TrioSetList} } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{TrioSetList}}, \code{\link{phenoData}} } \examples{ TrioSetList() TrioSetList(chromosome=1:22) ## A more realistic example ## Note that a data.frame containing covariates on the samples can be ## passed through the sample.sheet argument library(human610quadv1bCrlmm) path <- system.file("extdata", package="MinimumDistance") load(file.path(path, "pedigreeInfo.rda")) load(file.path(path, "sample.sheet.rda")) load(file.path(path, "logRratio.rda")) load(file.path(path, "baf.rda")) nms <- paste("NA",substr(sample.sheet$Sample.Name, 6, 10),sep="") trioSetList <- TrioSetList(lrr=logRratio, ## must provide row.names baf=baf, pedigree=Pedigree(pedigreeInfo), sample.sheet=sample.sheet, row.names=nms, cdfname="human610quadv1bCrlmm") motherPhenoData(trioSetList) fatherPhenoData(trioSetList) offspringPhenoData(trioSetList) ## log R ratios for the first trioSetList element str(lrr(trioSetList)[[1]]) ## B allele frequencies for the first trioSetList element str(baf(trioSetList)[[1]]) } \keyword{classes}