\name{narrow} \alias{narrow} \title{Adjust breakpoints from segmentation inward} \description{ Narrow the minimum distance ranges by the segmentation of the offspring copy number estimates. } \usage{ narrow(object, lrr.segs, thr, mad.minimumdistance, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ A \code{RangedDataCNV} object. The segmentation of the minimum distance. } \item{lrr.segs}{ A \code{RangedDataCNV} object. The segmentation of the log R ratios. } \item{thr}{ Numeric. For segments with a segment mean less than \code{thr}, the breakpoints are not altered. } \item{mad.minimumdistance}{A named numeric vector. The names should the \code{sampleNames} of the \code{TrioSet} or \code{TrioSetList} object.} \item{verbose}{ Logical. Whether to display messages that indicate progress.} } \details{ If the start and stop coordinates for a segment [x, y] with mean log R ratio greater than \code{thr} in absolute value, the x and y coordinates of the interval may be adjusted. If there are no breakpoints from the segmentation of the offspring log R ratio occurring in [x, y], nothing is done. However, if one or more breakpoints occur in the interval [x,y], one or more new segments can be created. For example, suppose a segment from the log R ratio segmention has breakpoints given by [a, b], where x < b < y. Then the following two intervals are created: 1. [x, b] 2. [b, y] The motivation is to avoid having a single minimum distance segment spanning differing copy number states in the offspring. } \value{ A \code{RangedDataCBS} object. } \author{ Rob Scharpf } \examples{ data(trioSetListExample) data(lrr.segs) data(md.segs) md <- calculateMindist(lrr(trioSetList)) md.mads <- mad2(md, byrow=FALSE) md.segs.narrowed <- narrow(object=md.segs, lrr.segs=lrr.segs, thr=0.1, mad.minimumdistance=md.mads) } \keyword{manip}