\name{correspondingCall} \alias{correspondingCall} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Find overlapping ranges} \description{ Finds ranges in a \code{RangedDataCNV} object that overlap with ranges from another \code{RangedDataCNV} object. } \usage{ correspondingCall(ranges.query, ranges.subject, subject.method) } \arguments{ \item{ranges.query}{ A \code{RangedDataCNV} object. } \item{ranges.subject}{ A \code{RangedDataCNV} object. } \item{subject.method}{ A character string. If provided, a column called `method' will be added to \code{ranges.subject} that indicates the statistical algorithm used to call the de novo alterations. } } \details{ Given a set of de novo calls from one statistical algorithm, this function finds the corresponding calls made by a second statistical algorithm. For any given range in \code{ranges.query}, one or more ranges in \code{ranges.subject} may overlap. } \value{ An object of the same class as \code{ranges.subject}. } \author{ Rob Scharpf } \seealso{\code{\link{findOverlaps}}} \keyword{utilities}