\name{concordance} \alias{concAtTop} \alias{discAtTop} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Functions for assessing concordance} \description{Functions for assessing concordance and discordance of copy number variant calls} \usage{ concAtTop(ranges.query, ranges.subject, list.size, verbose = TRUE, ...) discAtTop(ranges.query, ranges.subject, verbose=TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{ranges.query}{ \code{RangedDataCNV} object } \item{ranges.subject}{ \code{RangedDataCNV} object } \item{list.size}{size of list in query and subject ranges} \item{verbose}{logical} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments passed to \code{findOverlaps}.} } \details{ \code{concAtTop} calculates three measures of concordance: 1. the proportion of top ranges that overlap between \code{ranges.query} and \code{ranges.subject} objects as a function of list size (we assume that each \code{RangedDataCNV} object is ordered such that the first range has the highest rank (most evidence of an alteration). 2. the proportion of top ranges in \code{ranges.query} that appear anywhere in the \code{ranges.subject} object. Again, a proportion is calculated as a function of list size until the size of the list is equal to \code{list.size}. 3. the same as (2), but reversing the role of \code{ranges.query} and \code{ranges.subject}. The function \code{discAtTop} identifies the ranges in \code{ranges.query} that do not appear in \code{ranges.subject}. } \value{ \code{distAtTop} returns an object of the same class as \code{ranges.query}. \code{concAtTop} returns a list of 3 elements, corresponding to the 3 approaches for estimating concordance described in the details. } \author{ Rob Scharpf } %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{ \code{\link{findOverlaps}} } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{utilities} \keyword{manip}