\name{calculateMindist} \alias{calculateMindist} \alias{calculateMindist,arrayORff_array-method} \alias{calculateMindist,list-method} \alias{calculateMindist,TrioSetList-method} \title{ Compute the minimum distance. } \description{ Compute the minimum distance.} \usage{ calculateMindist(object, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ A \code{list} of arrays, a \code{TrioSetList} object, or an \code{array} of the log R ratios. } \item{\dots}{ Ignored. } } \details{ The 'minimum distance' is the minimum signed absolute difference of the parental log R ratios and the offspring log R ratios. Specifically, let |O-F| denote the absolute difference in the log R ratios comparing offspring to father and |O-M| the absolute difference in the log R ratios comparing offspring to mother. The minimum distance at a marker is the signed minimum of |O-M| and |O-F|. After segmentation of the minimum distance, non-zero segments can indicate a de novo difference in the log R ratio of the offspring and either parent. For example, a positive minimum distance suggests that the log R ratio from the offspring is greater than the log R ratio of either parent. } \value{ If \code{object} is an array, a matrix of the minimum distance is returned. For an object with M markers and T trios, the dimension of the resulting matrix is M x T. If \code{object} is a list of arrays or a \code{TrioSetList} object, a list of matrices are returned. The dimension of the ith matrix in the list is M_i x T. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \examples{ data(trioSetListExample) mdlist <- calculateMindist(lrr(trioSetList)) trioSet <- stack(trioSetList) md <- calculateMindist(lrr(trioSet)) } \keyword{math} \keyword{univar}