\name{TrioSetListLD} \alias{TrioSetListLD} \title{ Constructor for TrioSetList class for large data } \description{ Constructor for TrioSetList class for large data } \usage{ TrioSetListLD(path, fnames, ext="", samplesheet, row.names, pedigreeData, featureData, annotationPkg, outdir=ldPath()) } \arguments{ \item{path}{ Path to plain-text files containing log R ratios and B allele frequencies. Files should contain data for a single sample. } \item{fnames}{ Character string providing the filenames. } \item{ext}{ Character string indicating whether the \code{fnames} has a file extension (e.g., ".txt") } \item{samplesheet}{ (Optional) \code{data.frame} containing phenotypic / experimental covariates on the samples. Note that if \code{samplesheet} is provided, \code{row.names} must be specified. } \item{row.names}{ Character vector indicating the sample id for each row in \code{samplesheet}. \code{row.names} should be unique and, ideally, correspond to \code{fnames}, } \item{pedigreeData}{ An object of class \code{Pedigree}. } \item{featureData}{ A \code{GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame} } \item{annotationPkg}{ Character string indicating the annotation package used to extract information on the features (chromosome, physical position, and whether the feature is polymorphic ('isSnp')). } \item{outdir}{Character string indicating the path for storing \code{ff} objects. Ignored if the \pkg{ff} package is not loaded.} } \details{ If the \pkg{ff} package is loaded, the \code{assayData} elements will be of class \code{ff_array}. Otherwise, the \code{assayData} elements will be ordinary arrays. For large datasets (or for computers with limited RAM), loading the \pkg{ff} may be required. } \value{ A \code{TrioSetList} object } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{TrioSetList}} } \examples{ if(require("ff")){ library(ff) ldPath(tempdir()) path <- system.file("extdata", package="MinimumDistance") fnames <- list.files(path, pattern="[FMO].txt") trioSetListff <- TrioSetListLD(path=path, fnames=fnames, pedigreeData=Pedigree(data.frame(F="F.txt", M="M.txt", O="O.txt")), annotationPkg="human610quadv1bCrlmm", outdir=ldPath()) } } \keyword{manip}