\name{TrioSetList-class} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{class} \alias{TrioSetList-class} \alias{allNames,TrioSetList-method} \alias{allNames} \alias{[,TrioSetList-method} \alias{$,TrioSetList-method} \alias{[[,TrioSetList-method} \alias{annotation,TrioSetList-method} \alias{baf,TrioSetList-method} \alias{baf} \alias{computeBayesFactor,TrioSetList-method} \alias{dims,TrioSetList-method} \alias{fatherNames,TrioSetList-method} \alias{fatherPhenoData,TrioSetList-method} \alias{motherPhenoData,TrioSetList-method} \alias{offspringPhenoData,TrioSetList-method} \alias{fatherNames} \alias{initialize,TrioSetList-method} \alias{length,TrioSetList-method} \alias{lrr,TrioSetList-method} \alias{mad2,TrioSetList-method} \alias{mindist<-,TrioSetList,list-method} \alias{mindist,TrioSetList-method} \alias{motherNames,TrioSetList-method} \alias{motherNames} \alias{ncol,TrioSetList-method} \alias{nrow,TrioSetList-method} \alias{offspringNames,TrioSetList-method} \alias{offspringNames} \alias{order,TrioSetList-method} \alias{pedigree,TrioSetList-method} \alias{pedigree} \alias{phenoData,TrioSetList-method} \alias{sampleNames,TrioSetList-method} \alias{stack,TrioSetList-method} \alias{trios,TrioSetList-method} \alias{trios} \alias{updateObject,TrioSetList-method} \title{Class \code{"TrioSetList"}} \description{ A container storing pedigree information, as well as low-level statistical summaries used for copy number estimation: the log R ratios and B allele frequencies. The list structure is organized by chromosome, where each element of the list is a \code{TrioSet} object. } \section{Objects from the Class}{ \describe{ Objects from the class can be initialized by: \item{}{\code{new("TrioSetList")}: Instantiate an empty container.} \item{}{\code{TrioSetList()}: See \code{\link{TrioSetList}} .} } } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{assayDataList}:}{list of arrays containing log R ratios and B allele frequencies. } \item{\code{featureDataList}:}{list of containing feature annotation. Each element of the list is a \code{AnnotatedDataFrame}.} \item{\code{pedigree}:}{ Object of class \code{"Pedigree"}. Contains information on the trio-relationships.} \item{\code{motherPhenoData}:}{ Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"}. Contains sample-level covariates for the mother.} \item{\code{fatherPhenoData}:}{ Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"}. Contains sample-level covariates for the father.} \item{\code{phenoData}:}{ Object of class \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"}. Contains sample-level covariates for the offspring.} \item{\code{chromosome}:}{ Integer vector indicating which autosomes are contained in the \code{TrioSetList} object.} } } \section{Accessors}{ \describe{ In the following accessor descriptions, object is a \code{TrioSetList}: \item{}{\code{object$NAME}: Extract phenotype 'NAME' for offspring.} \item{}{\code{"[["}: Extract a \code{TrioSet} object.} \item{}{\code{allnames(object)}: Returns character vector of all the sample names. Note that \code{sampleNames} of a \code{TrioSetList} object is not the same. In particular, \code{sampleNames(object)} returns only the character vector of offspring ids which uniquely identify a trio. Hence, a separate method, \code{allNames}, is supplied when all the sample ids in the data set are required. Finally, note that the length of the vector returned by \code{allNames} is not necessarily a multiple of 3 as mothers and fathers with multiple offspring would be included in multiple trios.} \item{}{\code{annotation(object)}: character string indicating the array platform } \item{}{\code{baf(object)}: Returns a list of B allele frequencies for each chromosome. Each element in the list is a 3-dimensional array (features x trios x samples).} \item{}{\code{dims(object)}: Return dimensions of the low-level statistical summaries (log R ratios and B allele frequencies) for each \code{TrioSet} element in the \code{TrioSetList}.} \item{}{\code{fatherNames(object)}: character vector of father ids.} \item{}{\code{fatherPhenoData(object)}: Extract a \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} of the sample-level covariates for the father.} \item{}{\code{length(object)}: The number of chromosomes.} \item{}{\code{lrr(object)} Returns list of log R ratios for each chromosome. Each element in the list is a 3-dimensional array (features x trios x samples).} \item{}{\code{mad2(object, byrow=TRUE)} Calculates the median absolute deviation (MAD) of the log R ratios in object. When \code{byrow} is \code{TRUE}, the MAD is calculated for each marker across all offspring. When \code{byrow} is \code{FALSE}, the MAD is computed across all autosomal markers for the fathers, mothers, and offspring. The former provides a robust estimate of the marker-level variance across samples, whereas the latter provides an estimate of variance for the samples.} \item{}{\code{mindist(object) <- value}: Assigns the minimum distance to each \code{TrioSet} element. \code{value} is a \code{list}.} \item{}{\code{mindist(object)}: Accessor for the minimum distance in each \code{TrioSet} element. Returns a \code{list}.} \item{}{\code{motherNames(object)}: Character vector of sample identifiers for the mothers.} \item{}{\code{motherPhenoData(object)}: Extract a \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} of the sample-level covariates for the mother.} \item{}{\code{ncol(object)}: the number of trios, or equivalently the number of offspring.} \item{}{\code{nrow(object)}: The number of features across all \code{TrioSet} elements.} \item{}{\code{offspringNames(object)}: Character vector of offspring identifiers. Note that the offspring ids uniquely identify a trio, and the method \code{sampleNames} will return the same result.} \item{}{\code{order(object)}: order \code{TrioSet} object by chromosome and physical position} \item{pedigree}{\code{signature(object = "TrioSetList")}: Accessor for pedigree information. See also \code{\linkS4class{Pedigree}}} \item{}{\code{offspringPhenoData(object)}: Extract a \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} of the sample-level covariates for the offspring. Alternatively, use \code{phenoData(object)}. } \item{}{\code{phenoData(object)}: Extract a \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} of the sample-level covariates for the offspring.} \item{}{\code{sampleNames(object)}: Character vector of unique identifiers for father-mother-offspring trio. As the offspring id uniquely identifies a trio,\code{sampleNames} returns the same vector of ids as \code{offspringNames}} % \item{}{\code{sampleSheet(object)}: Accessor for metadata of the % experiment. See \code{\linkS4class{SampleSheet}}.} \item{}{\code{trios(object)}: Returns a \code{data.frame} of the trios. Each row in the {data.frame} contains the sample identifiers for the father, mother, and offspring. Parents with multiple offspring will appear in multiple rows.} } } \section{Subsetting}{ \describe{ \item{}{ \code{x[i, j]}: \code{i} selects the list elements. \code{j} selects the trio for each list element. The list elements have class \code{\linkS4class{TrioSet}}.} } } %\section{Computing the minimum distance}{ % \describe{ % % The \code{TrioSetList} container stores the log R ratios and B % allele frequencies for each member in the trio. %% %\item{}{\code{calculateMindist(object, ..., verbose=TRUE)}: % % The returned value is a \code{list}. Each element in the list contains % a matrix of the minimum distances from one chromosome (dimension: % number features x number trios). Note that the \code{list} can be assigned % back to the \code{TrioSetList} object using the replacement method % \code{mindist<-}. See the example.} % %} % %} \section{Stacking a \code{TrioSetList} object}{ \describe{ A \code{TrioSetList} object contains a list of elements of class \code{TrioSet}. Each list element corresponds to one chromosome. A \code{TrioSet} object can be constructed from a \code{TrioSetList} by stacking the \code{TrioSet} elements: \item{}{\code{stack(object)}: creates a \code{TrioSet} object from a \code{TrioSetList} object. } } } \section{Compute the minimum distance}{ \describe{ \item{}{\code{calculateMindist(object)}: Compute the minimum distance from the list of log R ratio arrays. Returns a list of matrices of the minimum distance; each element in the list is the minimum distance for one chromosome. } } } \section{Posterior summaries}{ \describe{ \item{}{\code{computeBayesFactor(object, ranges, mad.marker, mad.sample, returnEmission=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, ...)}: Compute posterior probabilities for the trio copy number states. The called trio copy number state is the argmax of the posterior probabilities. See examples below for computing the standard deviation of the markers for argument \code{mad.marker} and the standard deviation of the samples for argument \code{mad.sample}.} } } \section{Miscellaneous}{ \describe{ \item{}{\code{updateObject(object)}: Currently, this method only checks the class of the elements in the \code{featureDataList} slot. If the elements are \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} instead of \code{GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame}, the \code{featureDataList} slot is updated.} } } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{TrioSet}}, \code{\linkS4class{Pedigree}} } \examples{ showClass("TrioSetList") TrioSetList() data(trioSetExample) } \keyword{classes}