\name{TrioSet} \alias{TrioSet} \title{ Constructor for TrioSet objects. } \description{ Construct an object of class \code{TrioSet}. } \usage{ TrioSet(pedigreeData = Pedigree(), sample.sheet, row.names = NULL, lrr, baf, featureData, cdfname, drop = TRUE, mindist=NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{pedigreeData}{ A \code{Pedigree} object. } \item{sample.sheet}{ A \code{data.frame} of sample covariates. } \item{row.names}{ Row identifiers for \code{sample.sheet} that match the names of the trios in the \code{Pedigree} object. } \item{lrr}{ Matrix of log R ratios } \item{baf}{ Matrix of B allele frequencies } \item{featureData}{ \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} for features. } \item{cdfname}{ \code{character} string for annotation package. } \item{drop}{ \code{Logical}. If FALSE, the row and column \code{dimnames} are null. } \item{mindist}{ A \code{matrix} of the minimum distance. } } \value{ A object of class \code{\linkS4class{TrioSet}}. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{TrioSet}}, \code{\linkS4class{Pedigree}}, \code{\link{Pedigree}} } \examples{ path <- system.file("extdata", package="MinimumDistance") load(file.path(path, "logRratio.rda")) load(file.path(path, "baf.rda")) load(file.path(path, "pedigreeInfo.rda")) trioSet <- TrioSet(lrr=logRratio, baf=baf, pedigree=Pedigree(pedigreeInfo), cdfname="human610quadv1bCrlmm") } \keyword{manip}