\name{Pedigree} \alias{Pedigree} \title{ Constructor for Pedigree class } \description{ Constructor for Pedigree class } \usage{ Pedigree(pedigreeInfo, fatherIds=character(), motherIds=character(), offspringIds=character()) } \arguments{ \item{pedigreeInfo}{ a \code{data.frame} with column labels F, M, and O containing sample identifiers for the father (F), mother (M), and offspring (O). Each row of the \code{data.frame} corresponds to a single trio. } \item{fatherIds}{ A vector of sample ids for the father. Ignored if \code{pedigreeInfo} is specified. } \item{motherIds}{ A vector of sample ids for the mother. Ignored if \code{pedigreeInfo} is specified. } \item{offspringIds}{ A vector of sample ids for the mother. Ignored if \code{pedigreeInfo} is specified. } } \details{ Constructor for object that contains information regarding the case-parent trios } \value{ Object of class \code{Pedigree} } \section{Note}{ If \code{pedigreeInfo} is missing, the vector of character strings provided to indicate the ids of the father, mother and offspring should be ordered such that the ith element in each vector are the sample identifiers for one trio. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{Pedigree}} } \examples{ Pedigree() Pedigree(fatherIds=letters[1], motherIds=letters[2],offspringIds=letters[3]) path <- system.file("extdata", package="MinimumDistance") load(file.path(path, "pedigreeInfo.rda")) Pedigree(pedigreeInfo) } \keyword{manip}