\name{clean-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{clean-methods} % \alias{clean,MSnExp-method} % \alias{clean,Spectrum-method} \alias{clean} \title{ Cleans 'MSnExp' or 'Spectrum' instances } \description{ This method cleans out individual spectra (\code{Spectrum} instances) or whole experiments (\code{MSnExp} instances) of 0-intensity peaks. Origninal 0-intensity values are retained only around peaks. If more than two 0's were separating two peaks, only the first and last ones, those directly adjacent to the peak ranges are kept. If two peaks are separated by only one 0-intensity value, it is retained. An illustrative example is shown below. } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{\code{signature(object = "MSnExp", verbose = "logical")}}{ Cleans all spectra in \code{MSnExp} object. Displays a control bar if verbose set to \code{TRUE} (default). Returns a cleaned \code{MSnExp} instance. } \item{\code{signature(object = "Spectrum")}}{ Cleans the \code{Spectrum} object. Returns a cleaned \code{Spectrum} instance. } } } \author{ Laurent Gatto } \seealso{ \code{\link{removePeaks}} and \code{\link{trimMz}} for other spectra processing methods. } \examples{ int <- c(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0) sp1 <- new("Spectrum2", intensity=int, mz=1:length(int)) sp2 <- clean(sp1) intensity(sp1) intensity(sp2) file <- dir(system.file(package="MSnbase",dir="extdata"), full.name=TRUE,pattern="mzXML$") aa <- readMSData(file,verbose=FALSE) bb <- clean(aa,verbose=FALSE) sum(peaksCount(aa)) sum(peaksCount(bb)) processingData(bb) } \keyword{methods}