%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % jointUniquePairs.extensions.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{getCorr.JointUniquePairs} \alias{getCorr.JointUniquePairs} \alias{JointUniquePairs.getCorr} \alias{getCorr.JointUniquePairs} \alias{getCorr,JointUniquePairs-method} \title{Extract a set of correlation objects from given JointUniquePairs object and corresponding Corr object} \description{ Generate a list of correlation objects based on a given correlation object treated as a 'joint' object(i.e. produced through the pipeline JointIdMap->UniquePairs->Corr and a set of matches for a set of DBs stored in a JointUniquePairs object. } \usage{\method{getCorr}{JointUniquePairs}(this, corr, groups=NULL, full.group=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, ...)} \arguments{ \item{corr}{Corr object from which the Corr object(s) retrieved for each particular DB based on which the patricular Corr object is retrieved.} \item{groups}{Optional \code{\link[base]{character}} vector of DB names encapsulated within the JointUniquePairs object defining the set of match groups to be used for retrieving the corresponding Corr objects. If \code{\link[base]{NULL}} (default), all match groups within the given UniquePairsObject are used.} \item{full.group}{ Determines if the resulting Corr object list should represent a full group. Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{verbose}{if \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}} enables diagnostic messages. Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{...}{Not used} } \value{ Corr object or a \code{\link[base]{list}} ofCorr objects with names corresponding to the names of particular match groups contained within the given JointUniquePairs object } \examples{ # Create and plot the set of corrs for a given DB subset treating subset as a full group # and plot the correlation densities including union corrSet<- examples$jointUniquePairs$getCorr(examples$corr, groups=c("union", "NetAffx_Q", "DAVID_Q", "EnVision_Q"), full.group=TRUE, verbose=TRUE); Corr$plot(corrSet, title=""); } \seealso{For more information see \code{\link{JointUniquePairs}}.} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \keyword{internal} \keyword{methods}