\name{examples} \alias{examples} \title{IdMappingAnalysis sample data...} \description{IdMappingAnalysis sample data} \value{A list containing the following sample items: \item{mrnaExperimentSet}{ MRNA Experiment sample data frame} \item{msmsExperimentSet}{ MSMS Experiment sample data frame} \item{outcomeMap}{outcome sample data frame} \item{identDfList}{list of ID Map sample data frames collected from various services} \item{jointIdMap}{sample JointIdMap object for exploring the various DBs quantitative identifier mapping performance} \item{jointIdMap_corr}{sample JointIdMap object for exploring the various DBs correlation based identifier mapping performance} \item{uniquePairs}{sample UniquePairs object} \item{jointUniquePairs}{sample JointUniquePairs object} \item{corrData}{sample CorrData object suitable for subsequent fast correlations} \item{corr}{sample Corr object encapsulating the correlation results} \item{mixture}{sample Mixture object encapsulating the mixture modeling results} \item{bootstrap}{sample Bootstrap object encapsulating the results of bootstrapping on correlations}} \docType{data} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \keyword{data}