%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % jointUniquePairs.plots.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{corr.boxplot.JointUniquePairs} \alias{corr.boxplot.JointUniquePairs} \alias{JointUniquePairs.corr.boxplot} \alias{corr.boxplot.JointUniquePairs} \alias{corr.boxplot,JointUniquePairs-method} \title{Boxplot of correlations by match group} \description{ Creates a boxplot of correlations data from the Corr object by a set of match groups from the UniquePairsMatch object, utilizing the JointUniquePairs$boxplot function } \usage{\method{corr.boxplot}{JointUniquePairs}(this, corr, idMapNames=NULL, show.None=FALSE, subsetting=FALSE, group.gap=0.2, cex.main=1.2, cex.lab=1, srt=0, adj=0, par.zoom=1, main=paste("Correlations (", colnames(corr)[3], ") by match group", sep = ""), plot=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...)} \arguments{ \item{corr}{Corr object which correlation values are used for boxplot.} \item{idMapNames}{Defines a subset of match group names to be plotted. If $NULL (default), all group names within the pairsMatch are used.} \item{subsetting}{If \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}}, interprets Corr subset as a full group or uses the original Corr as a full group otherwise. Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{show.None}{If \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}}, includes a plot of subset of values not included into any other match group with 'None' label. Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{group.gap}{The gap between match groups. Default is 0.2.} \item{cex.main}{Font size for plot main title. Default is 1.2.} \item{cex.lab}{Font size for X and Y axis titles. Default is 1.} \item{srt}{Match group label orientation (see par('srt')). Default is 0.} \item{adj}{\code{\link[base]{numeric}} in a range (0..1) determening how close to the x-axis the group labels are, 1 being the closest and 0 is farthest. The default is 0.} \item{par.zoom}{Graphics parameters zoom factor. Scales the graphical parameters like cex, lwd, mai etc. Default is 1.} \item{main}{The main title. Default is 'Correlations (type) by match group', where type is derived from corr object ('spearman' or 'pearson').} \item{plot}{if \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}} (default) then a boxplot is produced. If not, the summaries which the boxplots are based on are returned.} \item{verbose}{If \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}} enables diagnostic messages. Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{...}{Additional graphical parameters} } \value{ Same as for boxplot in graphics package } \examples{ #plot correlation probability distributions (boxplots) by match group mapNames=list(NetAffx_Q="Affy_Q",DAVID_F="D_F",EnVision_Q="EnQ"); data = examples$jointUniquePairs$corr.boxplot(examples$corr, idMapNames=mapNames,subsetting=TRUE, multiline=TRUE, srt=30, cex.lab=0.8, col.points="green" , main=""); } \seealso{For more information see \code{\link{JointUniquePairs}}.} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \keyword{internal} \keyword{methods}