%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % idMap.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{as.list.IdMap} \alias{as.list.IdMap} \alias{IdMap.as.list} \alias{as.list.IdMap} \alias{as.list,IdMap-method} \title{Coerce an object or a list of compatible object to the IdMap object or a list of IdMap objects} \description{ Coerce an object or a list of compatible object to the IdMap object or a list of IdMap objects. The object should be inherited from \code{\link[base]{matrix}}, \code{\link[base]{data.frame}}, IdMap or UniquePairs, otherwise an exception will be thrown. } \synopsis{as.list.IdMap(x, idMapList, verbose=FALSE, ...)} \usage{IdMap$as.list(idMapList, verbose=FALSE, ...)} \arguments{ \item{idMapList}{A \code{\link[base]{list}} or a single object of compatible type.} \item{verbose}{If \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}} enables diagnostic messages. Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{...}{Not used} } \value{ A single IdMap object or a list of IdMap objects. } \examples{ idMaps<-IdMap$as.list(examples$identDfList); names(idMaps); } \seealso{For more information see \code{\link{IdMap}}.} \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \keyword{internal} \keyword{methods}