\name{as-format-methods} \alias{asBED,TranscriptDb-method} \alias{asGFF,TranscriptDb-method} \title{Coerce to file format structures} \description{ These functions coerce a \code{\linkS4class{TranscriptDb}} object to a \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} object with \code{values} columns encoding transcript structures according to the model of a standard file format. Currently, BED and GFF models are supported. If a \code{TranscriptDb} is passed to \code{\link[rtracklayer]{export}}, when targeting a BED or GFF file, this coercion occurs automatically. } \usage{ \S4method{asBED}{TranscriptDb}(x) \S4method{asGFF}{TranscriptDb}(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \code{TranscriptDb} object to coerce to a \code{GRanges}, structured as BED or GFF. } } \value{ For \code{asBED}, a \code{GRanges}, with the columns \code{name}, \code{thickStart}, \code{thickEnd}, \code{blockStarts}, \code{blockSizes} added. The thick regions correspond to the CDS regions, and the blocks represent the exons. The transcript IDs are stored in the \code{name} column. The ranges are the transcript bounds. For \code{asGFF}, a \code{GRanges}, with columns \code{type}, \code{Name}, \code{ID},, and \code{Parent}. The gene structures are expressed according to the conventions defined by the GFF3 spec. There are elements of each \code{type} of feature: \dQuote{gene}, \dQuote{mRNA} \dQuote{exon} and \dQuote{cds}. The \code{Name} column contains the \code{gene_id} for genes, \code{tx_name} for transcripts, and exons and cds regions are \code{NA}. The \code{ID} column uses \code{gene_id} and \code{tx_id}, with the prefixes \dQuote{GeneID} and \dQuote{TxID} to ensure uniqueness across types. The exons and cds regions have \code{NA} for \code{ID}. The \code{Parent} column contains the \code{ID}s of the parent features. A feature may have multiple parents (the column is a \code{CharacterList}). Each exon belongs to one or more mRNAs, and mRNAs belong to a gene. } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \examples{ txdb_file <- system.file("extdata", "UCSC_knownGene_sample.sqlite", package="GenomicFeatures") txdb <- loadDb(txdb_file) asBED(txdb) asGFF(txdb) }