\name{createGODAG} \alias{createGODAG} \title{ Creation of GO DAG stucture for statistically significant GO terms } \description{ To plot the relationship between statistically significant GO terms, this function creates a GO DAG structure for these terms. } \arguments{ \item{sigNodes}{ \code{sigNodes} is the statistically significant GO terms found by "enrichmentFunction" function. } \item{ontology}{ The default \code{ontology} is "BP" (Biological Process). The "CC" (Cellular Component) and "MF" (Molecular Function) ontologies can also be used. } } \value{ This function returns a object of 'graphNEL' class. } \author{ Jing Wang } \note{ This function simulates the related program in TopGO (Alexa, A. et al. (2006) Improved scoring of functional groups from gene expression data by decorrelating GO graph structure. Bioinformatics, 22, 1600-1607). } \seealso{ \code{\link{GOFunction}} \code{\link{enrichmentFunction}} } \keyword{ methods }