\name{newSeqExpressionSet} \alias{newSeqExpressionSet} \title{ Function to create a new \code{\linkS4class{SeqExpressionSet}} object. } \description{ User-level function to create new objects of the class \code{\linkS4class{SeqExpressionSet}}. } \usage{ newSeqExpressionSet(exprs, offset=matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(exprs),ncol=ncol(exprs),dimnames=dimnames(exprs)), phenoData=annotatedDataFrameFrom(exprs, FALSE), featureData=annotatedDataFrameFrom(exprs, TRUE), ...) } \arguments{ \item{exprs}{ A matrix containing the counts for an RNA-Seq experiment. One column for each lane and one row for each gene. } \item{offset}{ A matrix with the same dimensions of \code{exprs} defining the offset (usually useful for normalization purposes). See the package vignette for a discussion on the offset. } \item{phenoData}{ A data.frame or \code{\link{AnnotatedDataFrame}} with sample information, such as biological condition, library preparation protocol, flow-cell,... } \item{featureData}{ A data.frame or \code{\link{AnnotatedDataFrame}} with feature information, such as gene length, GC-content, ... } \item{\dots}{ Other arguments will be passed to the constructor inherited from \code{\linkS4class{eSet}}. } } \value{ An object of class \code{\linkS4class{SeqExpressionSet}}. } \author{ Davide Risso } \seealso{ \code{\linkS4class{SeqExpressionSet}} } \examples{ exprs <- matrix(data=0,nrow=100,ncol=4) for(i in 1:4) { exprs[,i] <- rpois(100,lambda=50) } cond <- c(rep("A",2),rep("B",2)) counts <- newSeqExpressionSet(exprs,phenoData=data.frame(conditions=cond)) }