\name{exonIDs} \alias{exonIDs} \alias{exonIDs<-} \title{ Accessor for the exonIDs in an ExonCountSet object. } \description{ This function is an accessor for the exon identifiers for each of the rows in the count table. Note that each exon ID identifies, strictly speaking, not an exon but a counting bin, which may well be just part of an exon. Make sure that the exon IDs are ordered alphanumerically in the gene. } \usage{ exonIDs(ecs) exonIDs(ecs) <- value } \arguments{ \item{ecs}{ An ExonCountSet object. } \item{value}{ A vector of exon counting bin identifiers, one for each of the rows of the count data. } } \examples{ library(DEXSeq) data("pasillaExons", package="pasilla") exonIDs(pasillaExons) }