\name{IdLengths} \alias{IdLengths} \title{ Determine the Number of Bases, Nonbases, and Width of Each Sequence } \description{ Counts the number of bases (A, C, G, T) and ambiguities/degeneracies in each sequence. } \usage{ IdLengths(dbFile, tblName = "DNA", identifier = "", add2tbl = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{dbFile}{ A SQLite connection object or a character string specifying the path to the database file. } \item{tblName}{ Character string specifying the table where the sequences are located. } \item{identifier}{ Optional character string used to narrow the search results to those matching a specific identifier. If "" then all identifiers are selected. } \item{add2tbl}{ Logical or a character string specifying the table name in which to add the result. } \item{verbose}{ Logical indicating whether to display progress. } } \value{ A \code{data.frame} with the number of \code{bases}, \code{nonbases}, and \code{width} of each sequence. The \code{width} is defined as the sum of \code{bases} and \code{nonbases} in each sequence. The \code{row.names} of the \code{data.frame} correspond to the "row_names" in the \code{tblName} of the \code{dbFile}. } \author{ Erik Wright \email{DECIPHER@cae.wisc.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link{Add2DB}} } \examples{ db <- system.file("extdata", "Bacteria_175seqs.sqlite", package="DECIPHER") l <- IdLengths(db) }