\name{writeReport} \alias{writeReport} \title{ Write a report of a CellNOptR analysis } \description{ This function writes a short report of a CellNOptR analysis in an html page, that is linked to the various graphs produced } \usage{ writeReport(ModelOriginal, ModelOpt, optimResT1, optimResT2, CNOlist, directory, namesFiles = list(dataPlot = NA, evolFit1 = NA, evolFit2 = NA, SimResults2 = NA, SimResults1 = NA, Scaffold = NA, tscaffold = NA, wscaffold = NA, PKN = NA, wPKN = NA, nPKN = NA), namesData = list(CNOlist=NA, Model=NA),resE) } \arguments{ \item{ModelOriginal}{ the original previous knowledge network (i.e. model that you loaded) in a model list format } \item{ModelOpt}{ the model that was actually used for optimisation (i.e. the scaffold network, after compression and expansion) in a model list format } \item{optimResT1}{ the results of the optimisation at t1, as output by gabinaryT1 } \item{optimResT2}{ the results of the optimisation at t2, as output by gabinaryT2. Set this to NA if you have performed a one time point optimisation. } \item{CNOlist}{ a CNOlist } \item{directory}{ the name of a new directory that will be created, where your results will be moved } \item{namesFiles}{ a list of the names of the files that should have been created. Depending on whether a t2 optimisation was performed or not, all or some of the following fields are expected: dataPlot,evolFit1,evolFit2,SimResults2,SimResults1,Scaffold,tscaffold,wscaffold,PKN,wPKN,nPKN } \item{namesData}{ a list with fields \code{$CNOlist} and \code{$Model} that contain strings that are meaningful identifiers of your data and previous knowledge network (for your own record) } \item{resE}{ a vector with named entries t1, t2 t1andt2, as produced by the function \code{ResidualError}, that contains the residual error associated with the discretisation of the data } } \details{ Future versions of this function might directly write and compile a tex file. } \value{ This function produces a directory and moves all the files of namesFiles to it, then it creates an html report that contains infos about the optimisation process. } \author{ C.Terfve } \seealso{ writeNetwork, writeScaffold } \examples{ tmpdir<-tempdir() setwd(tmpdir) #load data data(CNOlistToy,package="CellNOptR") data(ToyModel,package="CellNOptR") #pre-process model (partial) indicesToy<-indexFinder(CNOlistToy,ToyModel,verbose=TRUE) ToyNCNOcutComp<-compressModel(ToyModel,indicesToy) indicesToyNCNOcutComp<-indexFinder(CNOlistToy,ToyNCNOcutComp) ToyNCNOcutCompExp<-expandGates(ToyNCNOcutComp) #optimise ToyFields4Sim<-prep4Sim(ToyNCNOcutCompExp) initBstring<-rep(1,length(ToyNCNOcutCompExp$reacID)) ToyT1opt<-gaBinaryT1( CNOlist=CNOlistToy, Model=ToyNCNOcutCompExp, SimList=ToyFields4Sim, indexList=indicesToyNCNOcutComp, initBstring=initBstring, maxGens=2, PopSize=5, verbose=TRUE) #write report namesFilesToy<-list( dataPlot=NA, evolFit1=NA, evolFit2=NA, SimResults1=NA, SimResults2=NA, Scaffold=NA, ScaffoldDot=NA, tscaffold=NA, wscaffold=NA, PKN=NA, PKNdot=NA, wPKN=NA, nPKN=NA) writeReport( ModelOriginal=ToyModel, ModelOpt=ToyNCNOcutCompExp, optimResT1=ToyT1opt, optimResT2=NA, CNOlist=CNOlistToy, directory="testToy", namesFiles=namesFilesToy, namesData=list(CNOlist="Toy",Model="ToyModel"), resE=NA) }