\name{readSif} \alias{readSif} \title{ Read a sif file and create a model object } \description{ This function reads in a cityscape sif file and creates a model object that can be used in the CellNOptR procedure. } \usage{ readSif(sifFile) } \arguments{ \item{sifFile}{ the name of a sif file } } \details{ This function takes in a single argument, sifFile, that points to a previous knowledge network in .sif format i.e. sourceNode-tab-sign-tab-targetNode. If there are ANDs they should be introduced as dummy nodes called and# (don't forget the number after "and" otherwise this won't be recognised). Please be aware that "and" nodes are not expected to be negated, i.e. there are not supposed to be !and1=xyz because that amounts to inverting the sign of all inputs of and1, which is more simply done at the inputs level. } \value{ a model list with fields: \item{interMat}{contains a matrix with column for each reaction and a row for each species, with a -1 where the species is the source node and a +1 where the species is a target node, and 0 otherwise} \item{notMat}{has the same format as interMat but just contains a 1 if the source node enters the reac with a negative effect, and 0 otherwise} \item{namesSpecies}{vector that contains the names of the species in the same order as the rows of the interMat and notMat matrices} \item{reacID}{vector that holds character strings specifying the reaction in full letters, in the same order as the columns of interMat and notMat} } \references{ Shannon P, Markiel A, Ozier O, Baliga NS, Wang JT, Ramage D, Amin N, Schwikowski B, Ideker T. Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks. Genome Research 2003 Nov; 13(11):2498-504. } \author{ C. Terfve } \examples{ tmpdir<-tempdir() setwd(tmpdir) cpfile<-dir(system.file("ToyModel",package="CellNOptR"),full=TRUE) file.copy(from=cpfile,to=getwd(),overwrite=TRUE) ToyModel<-readSif(sifFile="ToyPKNMMB.sif") }