\name{plotCNOlist} \alias{plotCNOlist} \title{ Plot the data in a CNOlist } \description{ This function plots the data in a CNOlist as a matrix of plots with a row for each condition and a column for each signal, and an extra plot for each row that specifies which cues are present.. } \usage{ plotCNOlist(CNOlist) } \arguments{ \item{CNOlist}{ a CNOlist } } \details{ This function can plot the normalised values or the un-normalised ones, it just needs a CNOlist. } \value{ This function just produces a plot on your graphics window } \author{ C. Terfve } \seealso{ plotCNOlistPDF, plotCNOlistLarge, plotCNOlistLargePDF } \examples{ data(CNOlistToy,package="CellNOptR") plotCNOlist(CNOlistToy) }