\name{CNORwrap} \alias{CNORwrap} \title{ CNOR analysis wrapper } \description{ This function is a wrapper around the whole CNOR analysis, it performs the following steps: 1. Plot the CNOlist; 2. Checks data to model compatibility; 3. Find the indices, in the model, of the species that are inhibited/stimulated/measured (signals); 4. Find the indices of the non-osbervables/non-controllables (nonce); 5. Cut the nonc off the model; 6. Recompute the indices; 7. Compress the model;8. Recompute the indices; 9. Expand the gates; 10. Compute the residual error; 11. Prepare for simulation; 12. Optimisation; 13. Plot simulated and experimental results; 14. Plot the evolution of fit; 15. Write the scaffold and PKN; 16. Write the report } \usage{ CNORwrap(paramsList,Data,Model,Name,NamesData,Time=1) } \arguments{ \item{paramsList}{ paramsList has entries: Data:the CNOlist, Model:the model; Parameters for the optimisation:sizeFac: default to 1e-04; NAFac: default to 1;PopSize: default to 50; Pmutation: default to 0.5; MaxTime: default to 60; maxGens: default to 500; StallGenMax: default to 100; SelPress: default to 1.2; elitism: default to 5; RelTol: default to 0.1; verbose: default to FALSE (default to true in the functions used by CNORwrap but CNORwrap sets them to false by default). } \item{Data}{ the CNOlist that contains the data that you will use } \item{Model}{ the model that you want to optimise } \item{Name}{ a string that will be used to name the project and all graphs produced } \item{NamesData}{ a list with two elements:CNOlist and Model, each containing a string that is a reference for the user to know which model/data set was used (it will be included in the report) } \item{Time}{ either 1 or 2: Do you want to perform a one time point steady state optimisation or a 2 time points pseudo steady state optimisation. By default this is set to 1. } } \details{ If you do not provide a parameters list, you can provide only essential elements, and all other parameters will be set to their default values. In this case, you should set paramsList=NA, and provide the following fields: Data, Model, Name, Time. } \value{ This function does not return anything, it does the analysis, produces all the plots and puts them in a folder that is in your working directory, and is called "Name". } \author{ C. Terfve } \examples{ #version with paramslist tmpdir<-tempdir() setwd(tmpdir) data(CNOlistToy,package="CellNOptR") data(ToyModel,package="CellNOptR") pList<-list( Data=CNOlistToy, Model=ToyModel, sizeFac = 1e-04, NAFac = 1, PopSize = 5, Pmutation = 0.5, MaxTime = 60, maxGens = 5, StallGenMax = 5, SelPress = 1.2, elitism = 5, RelTol = 0.1, verbose=TRUE) CNORwrap( paramsList=pList, Name="Toy", NamesData=list(CNOlist="ToyData",Model="ToyModel"), Data=NA, Model=NA) \dontrun{ #version with default parameters dir.create("CNOR_analysis") setwd("CNOR_analysis") data(CNOlistToy,package="CellNOptR") data(ToyModel,package="CellNOptR") CNORwrap( paramsList=NA, Name="Toy", NamesData=list(CNOlist="ToyData",Model="ToyModel"), Data=CNOlistToy, Model=ToyModel) } }