\title{A wrapper function to normalize the the 3 prime array}
  A wrapper function to normalize the 3 prime array by using either RMA or GCRMA method
preProcess3prime(object, method = c("rma", "gcrma"), output = FALSE, mydir = getwd())
  \item{object}{an \code{AffyBatch}.}
  \item{method}{either \code{rma} or \code{gcrma} }
  \item{output}{If \code{output = TRUE}, it will output the preprocessed data in the specified direcotry 
    from the \code{mydir} argument}
  \item{mydir}{specifed directory to contain the output}

  an \code{ExpressionSet}
\author{Xiwei Wu, Arthur Li}
\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
if (require(affydata)) {
    eset <- preProcess3prime(Dilution)