\name{buildEntrezGeneDbFromWebServices} \alias{getGeneStuff} \alias{buildEntrezGeneDbFromWebServices} \alias{getEntrezGenesFromTaxId} \title{builds an Entrez Gene centric organism database} \description{ These functions contact the NCBI eutils web services and then construct an organism (org.Xx.eg.db) database. } \usage{ getGeneStuff(entrezGenes, dir="files") buildEntrezGeneDbFromWebServices(entrezGenes, file="test.sqlite") getEntrezGenesFromTaxId(taxId) } \arguments{ \item{entrezGenes}{ character vector of entrez Gene IDs that you want annotated. We presently check to make sure these are from the same species. You will get an error if they aren't. } \item{file}{ file to write the database to. Traditionally these end with the .sqlite extension. } \item{dir}{ directory for storing parsed XML. } \item{taxId}{ A taxonomy ID from NCBI. You can browse these to select the species of interest from their website. } } \value{ In the case of \code{getEntrezGenesFromTaxId}, this will be a character vector of entrez gene IDs. In the case of \code{buildEntrezGeneDbFromWebServices}, then you will produce a SQLite database. In the case of \code{getGeneStuff}, then you get back a list of named lists containing parsed XML values for each 800 long chunk of entrez Gene IDs. } \examples{ ## seems that some of the EGs are not from the taxid specified? (more tests) ## EGs <- getEntrezGenesFromTaxId(taxId) ## temporarily, lets use known EGs to run tests #library(org.Hs.eg.db) #EGs <- Lkeys(org.Hs.egCHR) #EGs <- EGs[c(1:10)] ## Obviously NOT a typical step. ## XML is broken, so I need a workaround for this. #system.time(buildEntrezGeneDbFromWebServices(EGs,file=tempfile())) #debug(getGeneStuff) #buildEntrezGeneDbFromWebServices(EGs,file=tempfile()) } \keyword{interface}