\name{GetTongs} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{GetTongs} \alias{PlotTongs} \title{Generate and visualize the tongs plot} \description{The tongs plot shows the relationship between expression level and probe location bias. It is required for the correct estimation of RNA degradation effects.} \usage{ GetTongs(affyData, chip.idx = 1) PlotTongs(tongs) } \arguments{ \item{affyData}{ an \code{AffyBatch} object.} \item{chip.idx}{ index of the sample to compute the tongs for.} \item{tongs}{ the tongs plot data table.} } \value{ \item{Tongs}{ a table containing Tongs plot values ordered by expression level.} } \author{Mario Fasold} \examples{ if (require(AmpAffyExample)) { # Get example data data(AmpData) tongs <- GetTongs(AmpData, chip.idx = 4) PlotTongs(tongs) } } \keyword{ methods }